Introducing four new products with savings galore
Do you have a broad idea of the general flavour of coffee you like but struggle to find the time to select the perfect brew? Fear not, you are in good company. We come across many people who would like a bit of help to choose the ideal beans for their cuppas. And that's one of the reasons we're introducing not one but four new products.
One thing customers often tell us is they find it hard to decide which specialty coffees are best suited to their tastebuds. Some like chocolatey flavours, some prefer fruitiness and others favour a dark roast that's packed with flavour. But picking out which specific beans fit the bill can be a challenge, and potentially time consuming in a world where spare time is scarce and precious.
We also know that some of you have been looking for additional budget-friendly subscription options to have high-quality, flavour-filled ethical coffee delivered to your door.
If you're nodding your head in recognition of either of these scenarios, you need look no further than our brand new two-bag boxes. These small but perfectly formed products are great for providing a taste of our different flavour profiles and they come with brilliant savings.
Our all-new packs feature two 250g bags of specialty coffee - one unchanging blend and one single-origin coffee. Starting now, you can select a two-bag box featuring either The Mills Blend for a fruity flavour profile, The Foundry Blend for more chocolatey tastes, The Mines Blend for a darker roast or the Life After Caff blend for our decaf fans.
In the Mills, Foundry and decaf boxes, the second coffee will change on a monthly basis, while both coffees in the Mines box will stay the same, with Monsooned Malabar as its single-origin brew. This full-bodied Indian coffee has hints of chocolate, tobacco and warm spices.
From now to the end of April, the Mills box will feature the Ethopia - Sidamo single-origin coffee, a fully-washed coffee with flavours of black tea, citrus fruits and floral notes, grows at 1,500 to 2,200 metres above sea level.
Over the same period, the Foundary box will feature, as its single-origin coffee, the Peru - Mishanango, with flavours of tropcal fruits, chocolcate and marzipan, with a smooth body and low acidity.
And the decaf box will also feature a Peruvian coffee as it's single-origin offering. This fully-washed coffee has hints of caramel, dark chocolate and citrus.
All four boxes are priced lower than the cost of equivalent individual bags, meaning you make an automatic saving by ordering this way. On top of that, until April 30 we're offering you 10% off your first purchase from the two-bag boxes range using the discount code first time purchase (valid on one purchase per customer).
Alternatively, there's an automatic discount of up to 15% when you sign up for a subscription to the new boxes.
And, as it's Easter and we're feeling generous, the discount code will work on any one-time purchase product on our website. So, if you were thinking of buying a bag or two or something else, you can add that to your order and make an extra saving.
The size of the two-bag boxes makes them ideal for trying out new coffee flavours to help you decide whether to order more of the same. And if you find a coffee in your box that you really enjoy, you might find it's possible to make a one-off purchase to top up your supply of that particular single-origin brew.
Mark says: "We hope the two-bag boxes will help our customers discover new coffees and flavours they enjoy, as well as taking some of the pressure off choosing which coffees to buy each month.
"And the reduced price compared with individual bags helps to give customers extra affordability.
"We're always keen to hear what people think of our products so, if you buy our two-bag boxes, please do let us know how you find them."
We hope you enjoy these products as much as we've enjoyed creating them for you.
You can find our two-bag boxes here.
Watch Mark's lowdown on the new products:
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